Software Capability Matureity Model (SW CMM)
Three Critical Dimensions
- People
- Procedures and methods
- Tools and equipment
Processes hold them all tegether
CMMI framework is the structure that organizes that components used in generating models, training materials, and appraisal methods
CMMI product suite is the full collection of models, training materials, and appraisal methods generated from the CMMI framework
CMMI Structure
At the heart of CMMI are Process Areas (PAs). They are a cluster of practices in an area that when implemented collectively satisfy a goal that is considered important in making improvement in an area
A Comstellation (combination of PAs) may be viewed in 2 different representations
- Staged Represntation (Predefined set of PAs at each level)
- Continuous Representation (Single PA)
Three Complementary Constellations
16 Core Process Areas used in all
Level 1 - Initial
Level 2 -Managed
- Requirements Mnagement (Project Mgmt)
- Project Planning (Project Mgmt)
- Project Monitoring and Control (Project Mgmt)
- Measurement and Analysis (Support)
- Process and Product Quality Assurance (Support)
- Configuration Management (Support)
Level 3 - Defined
- Orgtanizational Process Focus (Process Mgmt)
- Organizational Process Definition (Process Mgmt)
- Organizational Training (Process Mgmt)
- Integrated Project Management (Process Mgmt)
- Risk Management (Project Mgmt)
- Decision Analysis and Resolution (Support)
Level 4 - Quantitatively Managed
- Quantitative Project Management (Project Mgmt)
- Organizational Process Performance (Process Mgmt)
Level 5 - Optimized
- Casual Analysis and Resolution (Support)
- Organizational Innovation and Deployment (Process Mgmt)
6 Additional CMMI-Dev Process Area
Level 2 - Managed
- Supplier Agreement Management
Level 3 - Defined
- Requirements Development
- Technical Solution
- Product Integration
- Verification
- Validation
General Practices Goals (Level 2)
- GP2.1: Establish an organizational policy
- GP2.2: Plan the Process
- GP2.3: Provide Resources (People, Facilities, and Tools)
- GP2.4: Assign Responsibility (for all tasks)
- GP2.5: Train People
- GP2.6: Manage Configurations (Version and Change Control)
- GP2.7: Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
- GP2.8: Monitor and Control the Process
- GP2.9: Objectively Evaluate Adherence (Audits of the processes followed)
- GP2.10: Review Status with Higher Level Management
General Practices Goals (Level 3)
- Includes all Level 2 Generic Goals
- GP3.1: Establish a Defined Process
- GP3.2: Collect Improvement Information
In the Continuous Representation view, Capability Levels are used instead of Maturity Levels
With the Continuous representation the PAs are grouped ito Categories
- Process Management
- Project Management
- Support
Withing each Constellation, fourth category focused on that domain
- Engineering (CMMI-Dev)
- Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ)
-Service Establishment and Delivery (CMMI-SVC)
Capability Level 3 Must Satisfy:
Specific Goals:
And Generic Goal:
- GP2.1 to 2.10
- GP3.1 to 3.2
Capability Level 4 Must Satisfy:
- All Goals in Level 3
Capability Level 5 Must Satisfy:
- All Goals in Level 4
- All Goals in Level 4
Some more good CMMI articles and articles on process improvement that can help to fully understand the notion.