Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Running JMeter on HTTPS (SSL)

The steps are tested for:
IE 7
Sun jre 1.6_0_07
JMeter 2.3.2

1.) Export Certificate to File
* IE Tools->Internet Options->Content->Certificates->Trusted Root Certification Authorities
* locate the certificate in the table & select (I exported “VeriSign Trust Network”)
* hit the Export button
* select DER encoded binary format x.509
* save to a file

2.) Import Certificate into JRE Keystore
* open command prompt
* make sure %JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin is in your path (if not, you need to find the jre/bin location. Usually it is under “C:\Program Files\Java\” folder. Add this folder to your PATH environment)
* keytool -import -file
* enter keystore password (default is "changeit")* enter "yes" to trust the certificate

3.) Modify the jmeter.properties file
* uncomment the following lines (or you may need to add them under “# SSL configuration” section): #ssl.provider=com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider

4.) Try It
* start JMeter
* Make a simple test case as follows
Test Plan
Thread Group (Loop Count = 1)
HTTP Request (HTTPS, Port 443) (Server Name: <yourcompany.com>; Path: </testErr.jsp>; Port Number: <443>; Protocol: <https>View Results Tree
* HTTP responses will be logged in the results tree

Reference URL: http://osdir.com/ml/jakarta.jmeter.user/2002-12/msg00149.html

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